Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm a PC

For a long time I have been a user of the personal computer, and on two of those occasions over the past 19 years I have used a Mac computer. I'm not a big fan of the Mac, probably because the mouse with no buttons and different layout are different to me and I'm too old and crotchety to try and figure out how to use them.

Somewhat secretly I've resented those recent "I'm a Mac" computer commercials (probably because I resent the fact that I'm not "cool" if I don't use a Mac). That being said, I love the new "I'm a P.C." commercial that is playing right now (the Gates & Seinfeld commercials don't get me excited quite as much). Check out the video below and tell me, "Are you a Mac or a PC?"

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

When did Gates and Seinfeld become BFFs anyway?
I may sounds like a dork, but I think i already have the WHOLE Im a PC commercial memorized! I think I even have the accents down pat too.